Why Do We Light Candles?
The Catholic custom of lighting candles is rooted in Church teaching that Christ is the Light of the World. Candles serve as an outward sign of the light of faith burning in our hearts. They help us to draw into communion with the Living Christ. They are our silent sentinels lifting up our prayer intentions to the Lord for 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Through an offering, you may have a candle lit as a way of entrusting your special intentions before the Lord. Our Lady of Mercy Candle Shrine located on Eden Hill in Stockbridge, Mass., has more than 2,600 candles burning brightly for the many prayer intentions received.
Each prayer intention is kept strictly confidential.
All intentions are remembered by the Congregation of Marians each day during two daily Masses and in their personal prayers, and by the Divine Mercy Intercessory Prayerline. Each prayer intention is prayed for individually by an intercessor.
Please remember someone special today by asking for a seven-day votive candle to be lit.
You can request that a candle be lit for your intentions by filling out our online request form or by calling our customer service department at (800) 804-3823 (USA and Canada only) or (413) 298-5411 (International).