Join Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, as he explains Our Lady of Sorrows, especially from the perspective of the souls in Purgatory.
12th Annual Mercy for Souls Conference
Join Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, as he talks about the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of the Mother of God at the 12th Annual Mercy for Souls Conference from the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Mass., USA.
2021 Mercy for Souls Conference
How can we help those people who pass away unexpectedly, especially in this time of pandemic? What assistance can we render them if they don’t have time to receive the Last Sacraments? Watch “Mercy for Souls in the Year of St. Joseph,” a talk given by Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, spiritual director for the Holy Souls Sodality.
For the Daily Double!
"God allows souls to suffer here so that they may be purified to share in His holiness." What is Purgatory? "Correct!"
What can we learn from the saints? How do we fit into God’s plan for salvation? Watch "Co-Redemption in a Pandemic," a talk given by Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC, spiritual director for the Holy Souls Sodality.
A Beautiful Assumption
"We would look to this little respite — this dip in the water — as an annual time of spiritual renewal, of reconfirming that we are creatures of God and that our hope is in Him," writes Fr. Dan Cambra, MIC
Ah, summertime, and the living is easy. Vacation. A few days at the beach. An afternoon picnic. And ... prayers for the suffering souls in Purgatory? Absolutely! No week or two off for them. Here are some summertime tips from acclaimed writer Susan Tassone.
Mary reminds us that, even in our hectic lives, the order of charity demands that we show concern for the suffering souls. If Mary, our spiritual mother, is concerned with the souls in Purgatory, we should be, too.
Maybe I have a one-track mind, but as the spiritual director of the Holy Souls Sodality, whenever I see snowflakes, I cannot help but to turn my thoughts to souls in need and to a favorite saint of mine.
We who long to be with God for all of eternity should find inspiration in the realities of Purgatory. We should be inspired to purify ourselves here and now, on Earth, to make God the very fulfillment of all our desires.
Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, the Husband of Mary. Father Dan Cambra, MIC, shares his favorite pious practice associated with this great saint who had a knack for turning sorrow to joy.